David Glantz | Director Business Development & Consulting​
Loyalty Partner Solutions GmbH

David Glantz, Director Business Development & Consulting​, Loyalty Partner Solutions GmbH

David Glantz was born and raised in Germany. After university’s degree he joined a management consultancy and specialized in the area of sales, marketing and CRM with a focus on customer loyalty. He supervised more than 35 successful loyalty projects. As an expert for loyalty, digitalization and omnichannel marketing, he is responsible for the consulting business including sales, innovation and marketing department at Loyalty Partner Solutions since 2016. His biggest recent long-term loyalty-IT-solutions feature both, railway and aviation companies, for amazing insights.


World Aviation Festival 2024 - Day 2 @ 13:00

Panel: How can digital innovation be leveraged to ensure loyalty programs are accessing an optimal, quantifiable return on investment?

last published: 25/Jul/24 14:05 GMT

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