Michael Wu | Chief AI Strategist

Michael Wu, Chief AI Strategist, PROS

Dr. Michael Wu, a world-leading expert on AI and machine learning (ML), is the Chief AI Strategist at PROS. He’s honored as a Senior Research Fellow at the Ecole des Ponts Business School and concurrently serves as an advisor and a lecturer for UC Berkeley Extension’s AI programs. Prior to PROS, Michael was the Chief Scientist at Lithium for a decade, developing predictive and prescriptive algorithms to extract insights from social media big data. In addition to being a DOE fellow at the Los Alamos National Lab, he holds a triple major undergraduate and a Ph.D from UC Berkeley, where he used ML to model the human brain. His insights were recently featured in the 60 Leaders on Artificial Intelligence eBook, and have inspired many global enterprises


World Aviation Festival 2024 - Day 1 @ 14:00

Pros Workshop: The Secret of AI Profit Optimization

last published: 25/Jul/24 14:05 GMT

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