Seth Miller | Industry Antagonist

Seth Miller, Industry Antagonist, PaxEx.Aero

Seth Miller has over a decade of experience covering the airline industry. With a strong focus on passenger experience, Seth also has deep knowledge of inflight connectivity and loyalty programs. He is widely respected as an unbiased commentator on the aviation industry. He is frequently consulted on innovations in passenger experience by airlines and technology providers.


World Aviation Festival 2024 - Day 2 @ 12:15

Fireside chat: With passenger expectations rising, how can airlines deliver a digital experience like those experienced at home?

World Aviation Festival 2024 - Day 2 @ 12:45

Panel: How can airlines leverage IFEC to enhance passenger satisfaction, optimize operational efficiency, and generate revenue in an increasingly digitalized aviation landscape?

World Aviation Festival 2024 - Day 2 @ 14:55

Panel: How will emerging technologies and partnerships redefine the landscape of IFEC, shaping the future of the airline industry?

last published: 25/Jul/24 14:05 GMT

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