Emre Koyuncu | Associate Professor
Istanbul Technical University

Emre Koyuncu, Associate Professor, Istanbul Technical University

Emre Koyuncu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Aeronautical Engineering at Istanbul Technical University, currently holds the positions of Vice-Dean at the Aerospace Institute and principal investigator (PI) of ITU Aerospace Research Center (ITU ARC). He earned his Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from ITU in 2015, under the SESAR JU program. Prof. Koyuncu also gained valuable experience as a visiting researcher at Boeing Research and Technology of Europe (2013-2014) and at the Aero-Astro Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) during 2014-2015.
His research spans the expansive fields of aeronautics, control theory, and decision-making. Specifically, he specializes in control and guidance for high-performance aerospace systems, the development of collaborative, competitive, and adaptive AI algorithms, including AI-human teaming, and advancing high-level autonomy in air and unmanned traffic control systems.
Prof. Koyuncu has spearheaded numerous research and industrial projects for esteemed organizations and companies, including SESAR JU, BOEING, ASELSAN, HAVELSAN, ROKETSAN, TAI, TUBITAK, STM, Turkish Airlines, and IGA. His achievements include receiving a Boeing Faculty Grant in 2015 and a SESAR JU Ph.D. Fellowship from 2012 to 2015. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and AIAA and a member of the EASN. Additionally, he contributes to several technical committees, including the AIAA Air Transportation Systems, IEEE RAS Aerial Robotics and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, the IEEE Control Systems Society - Hybrid Systems, the EUROCONTROL Agency Research Team, and the Association for the Scientific Development of ATM in Europe (ASDA). Beyond his research endeavors, he holds associate editorships at the IEEE Access Journal and the IEEE Control System Society Conference Editorial Board, and he conducts project evaluations for SESAR JU, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and TUBITAK. Currently, Prof. Koyuncu also serves in advisory roles at the Turkish Aerospace Industry (TAI), DeltaV Space, and Fergani Space of the Baykar Group.


World Aviation Festival 2024 - Day 1 @ 16:30

Case study: How are large language models expected to improve day-to-day airline operations?

last published: 30/Aug/24 14:35 GMT

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