Mats Berglind | Innovation Manager
Swedavia AB

Mats Berglind, Innovation Manager, Swedavia AB

Berglind has his roots in user experience and service design in the northern European finance sector. Now, with a decade as the innovation manager at the world's most sustainable airport group, Swedavia, Berglind and his colleagues in the innovation team help Swedavia's business developers with business intelligence, early-stage proof of concepts and realizing strategic important changes for Swedavia.


World Aviation Festival 2024 - Day 1 @ 12:15

Is the current baggage handling system failing us and how are we going to improve it?

World Aviation Festival 2024 - Day 3 @ 14:00

Panel: Seamless & Sustainable: How are we building our smart airports for the future with sustainability goals and passengers at the forefront?

last published: 25/Jul/24 14:05 GMT

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