Oliver Wohak | Senior Manager & Lead Avation
d-fine GmbH

Oliver Wohak, Senior Manager & Lead Avation, d-fine GmbH

As a Senior Manager at d-fine, Oliver is helping clients re-think business models, drive digitalization and sustainability and enhance processes – always pursuing analytical, quantitative, and technological approaches. As Lead Aviation he is currently involved in Advanced Analytics and Data Management projects in Airline and Airport Operations, Network Planning & Commercials as well as Air Cargo.
His MBA degree from the Mannheim Business School complements his Master of Science in Physics from the University of Cologne, where he did research in the field of traffic simulations.


World Aviation Festival 2024 - Day 2 @ 14:55

Breaking data silos for improved airline operations

Session led by: d-fine-gmbh
last published: 25/Jul/24 14:05 GMT

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